Playwrights of 2011
Here are the previous talented playwrights who showcased their work for the debut of the OC-Centric New Play Festival in 2011.

Ken La Salle
"The Myth of the Cubicle"
Has had his work staged up and down California. Hollywood’s Theatre of NOTE just produced his one-act Persecution Complex; his full-length comedy Murielle’s Big Date was presented in staged readings at the Laguna Beach New Play Festival and San Francisco’s Dark Room Theater. Ken’s ebooks are on Amazon.com and across the Internet. He is represented by Sullivan Maxx Literary Agency.
Joni Ravenna
"Sex, Love & The Premature Evacuation"
A USC alumni whose first play, A Brush With Fate, was produced at West Coast Ensemble in Hollywood and enjoyed a three-month run as part of the L.A. Fringe Festival. Her play For Pete’s Sake was produced by the Chance Theater, and other scripts of hers have been produced across the country and have received numerous awards, nominations and even publication. She is currently co-writing a book about Ann Meyers Drysdale, recently named “One of the 10 Greatest Female Athletes of All Time” by Time Magazine.

Eric Eberwein
"Do Hoosiers Go To Heaven?"
Has been director of the Orange County Playwrights Alliance since 1998. His plays have won two awards and have been produced/staged in Orange County, Las Vegas, Santa Cruz, Savannah, Denver and New York City.
Gene Fiskin
"In Search of Reason"
Has written 37 plays, including Grandpa Was a Bachelor (opening this month at the Little Theatre at the Panida in Sandpoint, ID and recently presented by San Francisco’s Writing Man Productions) and Small Favors (recently produced in the Leading Ladies monologue fest at NYC’s Theater Lab). He has also acted in and directed approximately 60 plays and videos.